It all started around 6th grade, I wanted a pet chicken. It also didn't help that my favorite thing to eat was chicken. I was very quiet, so I didn't talk much but when I did it was always the same word. That word was “chicken”. When it began my family thought it was funny for a very short amount of time. Most kids would have a swear jar at home, but I had the chicken jar. Anytime the word came out of my mount I had to give up five dollars. It didn't take long for the word “chicken” to be eliminated from my vocabulary. During this time I ended up losing around five hundred dollars because of the word. Another word my brother and I were not allowed to say was “wiener”. At that point in time we combined the two words and came up with “wiener chicken”. We came up with drawings and what it would look like when we created the phrase. My brother and I said it would be a normal looking chicken with the body of a hot dog. The phrase was commonly used for greetings, acknowledging one another, and saying goodnight. It was also a way to cover up worty dirds.